By Doris Day

Copyright © 2007-2016 by Doris Day.  Permission is granted to use all or parts of each of the following Devotions listed below for non-commercial purposes, provided this copyright statement is included on all pages containing material from this document:  "Devotions" by Doris Day.  Written permission is required for all commercial uses.

Click  on Title of each Devotion below to read.

  • Check for updates; more devotions will be coming!
  1. Devotional Thought: "God Calls Samuel"
  2. Bible Story Drama/Pantomime: "Jesus Visits Mary and Martha"
  3. Devotion: "God's Precious Gift" (Birth of Jesus)
  4. Devotion: "Paralytic Man"
  5. Devotion: "Trust in God, Who is With Us" (Joseph)
  6. Devotion: "Jesus Calms the Storm"
  7. Devotion: "Even Though"
  8. Devotion: "Blessed is The Woman" (Ruth)
  9. One Devotional Cycle: "Parable of the Talents"
  10. Two Devotional Cycles: "Parable of the Talents"
  11. Bible Story Chant: "Creation of the World" (update)
  12. Bible Story Chant: "Jesus Heals the Blind Man" (update)
  13. Bible Story: "Zacchaeus" (new)
  14. Bible Story: "Parable of the Lost Son" (new)