Jack and Doris Day lead
Bible Storytelling Workshops
Receive training in Bible storytelling.

Jack teaches adults the following skills:
  • How to study a Bible story
  • How to tell a  Bible story
  • How to preach or tell a devotion using a Bible story
  • How to teach a Bible story

Doris helps Jack teach as well as leading workshops for children's workers and workshops for the youth.

Recommended length of workshop: nine to twenty-one hours.
At conferences (such a the Literacy Conference) teach two or more hours.
The length of time for the workshop determines the Bible storytelling skills that can be taught.

Workshops can be prepared to meet the needs of specific people.  For example:
  • Church planters
  • International missionaries
  • Volunteers going on short mission trips
  • Teachers involved in programs for literacy and English as a second language
  • Bible study leaders (Sunday School teachers and cell group leaders)
  • Pastors
  • Leaders of prison ministries
  • Christian leaders working with internationals
